Legislation to establish a greatly expanded Growing Greener 3 will be introduced shortly in the PA House and has been introduced in the Senate. Representatives are being asked by the House’s lead sponsors* to sponsor the House legislation.
Please call or email your state representative ASAP, preferably today but no later than Tuesday. Ask them to co-sponsor the legislation. A link to the memo requesting their cosponsorship is provided below.**
View current list of sponsors.
The legislation establishes a framework for the state to invest $315 million annually to support water protection, land conservation, outdoor recreation, and other environmental projects. Pennsylvania needs this new framework. Growing Greener could provide only $57 million for projects last year.
*Representatives English (R-Allegheny), Carroll (D-Lackawanna), Charlton (R-Delaware), Freeman (D-Northhampton), and Quinn (R-Delaware)
**View the cosponsorship memo (dated 5/17/2017)