Representatives Jim Gerlach (R-PA) and Mike Thompson (D-CA) have officially introduced the Conservation Easement Incentive Act now known as H.R. 2807! The two Congressmen held a press conference in front of the Capitol Building to underline the success of this incentive. Organized by the Alliance, the conference also included representatives from Maryland Environmental Trust, Eastern Shore Land Conservancy, National Association of Conservation Districts, Ducks Unlimited, The Nature Conservancy and other Conservation Easement Tax Incentive Coalition partners. Check out more photos and press clips from the event below.
Congratulations to the Pennsylvania land trusts that celebrated the introduction of the bill by hosting Rep. Gerlach at the Marshlands farm in East Nantmeal Township. Brandywine Conservancy, French and Pickering Creeks Conservation Trust, Lebanon Valley Conservancy and other groups spoke about the importance of the easement incentive, and later served fresh peach ice cream from conserved lands in the area.
This event is a great reminder that August is the perfect time to host a Member of Congress for a visit to a protected property or project or just to meet with them and thank them for being a co-sponsor. Members use the whole month to tour their districts and meet with constituents – like you. Put conservation on their agenda!