The Pennsylvania Environmental Council and Department of Conservation and Natural Resources are accepting applications for a mini-grant opportunity to help communities or trail group celebrate PA Trails Month!
The purpose of this grant is to help support local efforts to encourage people to get out and enjoy the trails. The grants (up to $500 awarded) are intended to help with the logistics of the event and are not intended for maintenance costs or construction. This grant is focused on land trails, as water trails already have a similar opportunity in POWR’s River Sojourns program.
Some examples of events that are eligible:
• A learn-to-ride-a-bike event
• A ribbon cutting event
• A fundraiser for your trail
• A history walk on the trail
• A nature walk with an interpreter to explain the flora and fauna along the trail
• A unique or innovative volunteer clean up or trail building day
The key ingredients are public participation and a trail. The funds could be used to bring in an expert, pay for transportation/shuttle service, advertise the event or make equipment available for the public.
PEC and DCNR will award creativity and encourage new events or efforts to engage new audiences with these grants, so such proposals will score higher in the review process. What won’t be funded: ongoing maintenance, planning efforts, equipment purchases. The grant cannot be used for swag or event giveaways (but those things can be counted as match in certain circumstances). Because of the uncertainty around hosting events this September, feel free to contact Frank Maguire at [email protected] to discuss your proposal.
For eligibility and other requirements, see the link to the application at . Applications are due July 10, 2020.