Press release shared by French & Pickering Creek Conservation Trust, October 7, 2024.  Photos courtesy of the land trust. 

French & Pickering Creeks Conservation Trust is excited to announce the finalization of a voluntary conservation agreement with Raymond and Kathleen Nester that permanently safeguards their historic 24-acre farm in East Coventry Township. This property, located along Halteman Road, has been home to generations of Nesters and has deep personal significance for them.

The site hosts several ecologically notable features, such as a mature hardwood forest and more than 1,200 feet of Pigeon Creek. Additionally, this property enhances the East Coventry trail system by providing a quarter mile extension that creates a connection to the 77-acre East Coventry Nature Preserve.

The completion of this easement is particularly meaningful for the French & Pickering community as Raymond’s father, Raymond E. Nester, was an original member of the organization’s Board of Directors. Raymond E. Nester dedicated over 15 years to the Board and made significant contributions to the organization’s conservation initiatives in northern Chester County.

“The Nester property has long been a conservation priority for the township, and we are grateful for the successful outcome. The willingness of the Nesters to include the public access trail provides an important amenity for the community,” noted Pam Brown, French & Pickering’s Senior Conservation Advisor.

Chester County granted French & Pickering $128,300 for the acquisition of the Nesters’ easement. Additional funding of $118,465 came from East Coventry Township’s dedicated open space funds. The township prioritizes the protection of sustainable agriculture, and this easement meets that goal. French & Pickering is thankful for the support of the County and East Coventry Township, and for the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Nester for enabling the protection of this remarkable farmland.

Since 1967, French & Pickering has protected more than 13,500 acres in northern Chester County through purchases, conservation easements and public/private partnerships. The non-profit organization works with landowners, townships, foundations and the state and county to purchase and monitor conservation easements, create parkland, and preserve environmentally sensitive land.

Media Contact: Pam Brown, Senior Conservation Advisor ([email protected])