In April 2020, it was announced that Ted and Sally Scarlett of Edinboro donated 110 acres in Washington Township, Erie County to French Creek Valley Conservancy through a Life Estate. The Scarletts purchased a portion of the property to prevent its development as a gravel mine, protecting this unique habitat along the north end of Edinboro Lake. At great personal expenses, they have worked tirelessly to fulfill their wish that their property be preserved for conservation purposes. The parcel is now known as the Scarlett Spring Run Conservation Area.

French Creek Valley Conservancy is thrilled with this donation, as the property borders Edinboro Lake and contains one of the few areas of intact wetlands. In 1996, the Cleveland Museum of Natural History studied the Scarlett property and adjacent Edinboro Fen, identifying more than 100 native plant species, several of which are rare and endangered. Due to the cold-water alkaline springs and the flora present, the property has also been designated as a Pennsylvania Wild Plant Sanctuary by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. The property is not currently open to the public, but access can be arranged by contacting FCVC.

French Creek Valley Conservancy is an accredited land trust that has approximately 2,500 acres of land in the French Creek watershed under permanent protection. Learn more about FCVC at

Photo provided by Calvin Robinson.