If you have a project that will create or improve recreational access to Pennsylvania’s waterways, now is a great time to seek funding. Four grant opportunities are all open to support this work:
- First, the Pennsylvania Organization for Watersheds and Rivers (POWR) is offering a new Statewide Waterway Access Mini-Grant. The program provides grants of up to $30,000 to create new or improve existing access points along Pennsylvania rivers, streams, and other waterways. Applications will be accepted and awarded on a rolling basis.
- Next, POWR is also offering Pennsylvania Water Trails Mini-Grants. Grants can fund projects that will advance Water Trail Program goals, such as creating recreational opportunities for all Pennsylvanians on water trails. Applications will be accepted through November 3. [Find more information and submit a grant application for either POWR mini-grant opportunity on the Pennsylvania Environmental Council’s mini-grants webpage.]
- Third, the National Park Service is accepting applications for Chesapeake Gateways grants. This year’s grants focus on projects that will: a) Advance a major inclusive interpretive initiative with an equity lens; and, b) Promote resilient communities and landscapes through tourism, sustainability, conservation, and local economies. Projects must occur within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. The deadline to apply for these grants is also November 3.
- Finally, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission is accepting applications for the next round of Boating Facility Grants. The grants fund the planning, acquisition, development, expansion, and rehabilitation of public boating facilities located on the waters of the commonwealth. The application deadline is December 30.
This post adapted from a release by DCNR.