Tell me what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? ~ Mary Oliver
Sometimes I think that opening a paragraph with a quote can be a bit cliché, but these words from Mary Oliver have been particularly poignant to me lately. As I write this, I find myself on the cusp of a significant unfolding—I will be departing from my role as WeConservePA’s communications specialist this August and turning the course of my life to England to further my educational and professional ventures in filmmaking and spiritual ecology.
Much of my work is driven by uncovering and learning more about the many-layered personal connections that people form with the natural world. Learning to recognize, nurture, and most importantly share our own personal connections with nature is, I believe, one of the most important and necessary actions we can do within our own lives. Sharing these connections may at times seem insignificant, but then again, every mighty tree was once a small seed.
As I move into this next chapter, I cannot help but reflect on the privilege it has been to have been a part of the conservation community in Pennsylvania, and to witness the talent, dedication, and shared love that drives each of our wild and precious lives to protect this beautiful planet.
I am ready to spread my wings and fly off into this truly exciting adventure, but it is with gratitude that I embark, knowing of the friendships made and the work that I completed.
Hilary Hirtle