Press release by North Branch Land Trust on 23 January 2025

Northeastern Pennsylvania conservation non-profit North Branch Land Trust is pleased to announce elevations in leadership for 2025:

Emma Thompson, Senior Director of Conservation and Operations;
Kay Strickland, Secretary of the Board of Directors; and
Robert Neher, new Board Member.

Ellen Ferretti, Executive Director: “I am grateful and excited at the dedication and interest of our existing and incoming Board of Directors with Kay Strickland stepping up to be Secretary and Rob Neher joining to serve. I am also thrilled to announce Emma Thompson’s promotion to Senior Director of Conservation and Operations. These three professionals bring a wealth of knowledge and depth to the Land Trust and its Mission. Along with our entire Board and Staff, the leadership of North Branch Land Trust is in very good hands.”

Stephen Maakestad, Board Chair: “I’m proud of the growth opportunities the Land Trust has provided for staff and board members alike. I look forward to working with both and I am excited about the new ideas and opportunities ahead of us.”

Emma Thompson joined North Branch Land Trust in 2023. Because of her dedication to conservation and a drive to improve the conservation organization, Thompson will now serve as Senior Director of Conservation and Operations. She was previously in an environmental consulting role and, prior to that, a forester for the DCNR Bureau of Forestry. Emma graduated from Virginia Tech with a graduate degree in Forestry and an undergraduate degree in Public and Urban Affairs focused on Public Policy and Leadership and Social Change.

Emma Thompson: “NBLT is a great organization, and I am honored to be given the opportunity of a leadership role. I hope to continue to grow with NBLT and our conservation mission in the beautiful Northeastern PA.”

Kay Strickland, retired, joined the North Branch Land Trust Board of Directors in 2023. An avid birder, Kay appreciates northeastern Pennsylvania’s unique geology, and the species that call it home fuel her commitment to its conservation. Kay has supported North Branch Land Trust since its inception and previously served on the Board of Directors from 2014-2017. She is eager to contribute to building its capacity to protect our region’s landscapes and viewsheds.

Kay Strickland, Secretary: “2025 promises to be a dynamic year for NBLT, with exciting conservation projects and new opportunities for educating the next generation of land stewards. I look forward to working with this fabulous organization.”

Robert Neher, President and CEO of Luzerne Bank, is joining North Branch Land Trust as a Board Member for 2025. In addition to his decades long career in banking, Rob has served the Northeastern Pennsylvania community through organizations like The Luzerne Foundation, Scouting America, The United Way, and the Wyoming Valley CYC.

Robert Neher, Director: “I am honored to join the board of North Branch Land Trust and contribute to its vital mission of preserving Northeastern Pennsylvania’s forests, waterways, and trails. Having cherished the region’s great outdoors since childhood, I look forward to helping ensure these natural treasures are protected for current and future generations.”

About North Branch Land Trust

North Branch Land Trust partners with landowners, communities, and stakeholders to conserve and care for Northeastern Pennsylvania’s lands and waters.

North Branch Land Trust is a registered 501(c)(3) conservation nonprofit operating in an eight-county region of Pennsylvania (Bradford, Susquehanna, Sullivan, Wayne, Wyoming, Lackawanna, Luzerne, and Columbia) in the Upper Lehigh and Susquehanna Watersheds.

We envision a future where abundant conserved lands help maintain clean air and water, diverse forests and wildlife habitats, vibrant working farms, and inspiring natural beauty.
We envision a future in which North Branch Land Trust is a highly respected leader in conservation and a vital institution that enhances the quality of life for all.

Media Contact

Karley Stasko, Director of Marketing & Development