Quantified Ventures, in partnership with the US Endowment for Forestry & Communities, Pennsylvania Environmental Council and Green Forests Work, are seeking to enroll former mine lands in their reforestation program. Through this initiative, owners of formerly mined lands can restore their properties into healthy forests. Landowners will receive payment for participating, with project partners managing and covering the full costs of the reforestation contractors. The project team is interested in engaging with land trusts and conservancies who know of degraded, formerly mined lands that are candidates for reforestation, where the landowner already has or may be open to a permanent conservation easement. The team also is open to supporting land trusts and conservancies in buying these properties, with funding from the reforestation program used to support the acquisition.
See attached images (and a link to the pdf that includes those images) below for more details:
Qualified Ventures Project Overview PDF

Qualified Ventures Project Overview PDF Page 1

Qualified Ventures Project Overview PDF Page 2