Press release shared by Tyler Hoffman on 21 February 2025
Central Pennsylvania Conservancy has recently closed on its acquisition of Camp Tuckahoe, a 905-acre property nestled between Cumberland and York counties.
In 2025, the property will be transferred from Central Pennsylvania Conservancy to DCNR’s Bureau of Forestry in District 1, Michaux State Forest, and DCNR will transition the property to become available for public access. This property, which includes the headwaters of Dogwood Run, provides critical habitat for wildlife such as forest interior dwelling bird species, amphibians and reptiles, provides migratory corridors for many native species, and provides a core conserved forested area within South Mountain. This permanently protected area will include approximately 7 miles of trail to showcase the diverse flora and fauna found in this region. This property is adjacent to National Park Service Land for the Appalachian Trail.
The acquisition of this property, the largest in the organization’s history, was made possible by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and Conservation Fund, Cumberland County Land Partnership Program, York County Open Space and Land Preservation Program, The Nature Conservancy, and the Appalachian Trail Conservancy Wild East Action Fund. Thank you to our private donors for making projects like this possible for Central Pennsylvania Conservancy.
When you support Central Pennsylvania Conservancy, you become an advocate for Pennsylvania’s beautiful landscape. Ensure the continuation of our work by giving a gift today. Gifts can be made online at
Yours in conservation,
Laura Moran Danko, Interim Executive Director
About Central Pennsylvania Conservancy
Central Pennsylvania Conservancy is a nonprofit, member-supported charitable organization with a mission to acquire, preserve, and protect local land and natural resources in South-Central Pennsylvania. The organization serves as the local land trust for a 6-county region (Cumberland, Franklin, Perry, Dauphin, Juniata, and northern York County).
Over 40 years, CPC has acquired, protected, and preserved over 5,000 acres in the region, expanding and connecting natural areas, while increasing public recreation opportunities. To date, CPC has transferred over 2,000 acres to the public, through land transfers to state parks, forests, and game lands.
Our vision is to create a local network of permanently protected and preserved lands, through partnerships and by fostering a community committed to conservation and acquiring key lands and easements. Join us in conserving south central Pennsylvania by volunteering or participating in our public programs.
Media Contact
Laura Moran Danko
[email protected]