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GIS and Information Analysis

Use this topic to post questions and share information or resources regarding GIS and other methods of information Analysis.

ISO of Projects/Case Studies to Inform Future Training

WeConservePA plans to offer training for Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) members on some of the low cost and/or free GIS mapping tools available to the general public; and, how to use them to create maps or run geographic analysis for land conservation planning, presenting information to the public, or other purposes.  As a first step in this process, we are looking to identify one or more EACs with current projects that could benefit from such assistance.  These EACs will work one-on-one with WeConservePA GIS Analyst, Irina Beal, over the coming months to meet the needs of your project.  For EACs who receive such technical assistance, there is the expectation that a representative would either participate in the resulting virtual training, or allow their project to be featured as a case study.

If you would like your project to be considered for this opportunity, please submit the following to [email protected]:

  • EAC Name
  • Representative Name and Contact Information – email and direct line
  • General project scope of work
  • Area of interest – municipal boundary, watershed boundary, or the boundary of your study area
  • Resources of interest – topography, soils, land cover, etc.

ISO EAC Projects Using Stroud Water Research Center's Model My Watershed Tool

WeConservePA is partnering with Stroud Water Research Center to develop a training opportunity for EACs and municipalities who are interested in utilizing the power of the Center's Model My Watershed tool to assist with projects, education, and outreach, but don't know where to start.

Model My Watershed a publicly available tool which allows users to analyze real land use and soil data, model stormwater runoff and water quality impacts, and compare how conservation or development strategies can modify runoff and/or water quality.  Educators from Stroud will join us in presenting on the tool, how it functions, how it can be used, and the training resources available.

We are searching for an EAC or municipality who has experience using this tool to give a short (10-15 minute) complimentary presentation on how it has worked for them.  If you are interested in participating in this training, please reach out to [email protected].