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Conservation Easement Donation Agreements: When, Why, and How?


Most conservation easements begin with a conversation. Landowners and land trusts must get acquainted and make preliminary decisions about goals, willingness, and means. If successful, conversation gives way to work in earnest to define, document, and ultimately transfer the easement. This work will require substantial investments of time and money. At this stage, a land trust may want assurance that it won’t get stuck covering the expenses of going forward if the landowners decide later not to complete the easement. Landowners in turn may want assurance that the land trust is truly committed to the project before they incur expense.

A Conservation Easement Donation Agreement (“CEDA”) helps land trusts ensure smooth, appropriately resourced transactions. A CEDA clarifies a range of important matters: necessary steps, responsibility for various tasks, form of legal documents, payment responsibilities, termination rights, and the legal relationship between owners and easement holders. WeConservePA has published a streamlined edition of its Model CEDA in draft form for public review and will soon finalize the new version. In this online seminar, WeConservePA Director of Conservation Law Justin Hollinger will present a guided tour of the Model CEDA and review associated considerations.

$25.00 Webinar Fee (free for WeConservePA members) / $15.00 CLE Fee


Reach out to [email protected] if you need your member code.


Justin Hollinger, Esq | Director of Conservation Law, WeConservePA

Justin Hollinger joined WeConservePA in 2023. A member of the PA Bar, Justin provides legal resources to PA land conservation organizations. His projects include maintaining and updating WeConservePA’s library of model documents and resources, providing legal education, facilitating ongoing cooperation between land conservation attorneys and land conservation personnel, and providing direct legal services. Prior to joining WeConservePA, Justin represented Pennsylvania affordable housing nonprofits in complex real estate transactions. He received his J.D., summa cum laude, from Drexel University Thomas R. Kline School of Law, and his B.A., magna cum laude, from Temple University.





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