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Indigenous Peoples in Pennsylvania History – An Intro to the Penn State University Research Guide
WeConservePA and the Pennsylvania DEIJ Community of Land Trust Professionals will host an information and learning session on the Penn State University Library’s Indigenous Peoples in Pennsylvania History research guide. Guest speakers Jane Ingold, Heidi Abbey Moyer, and Eric Novotny (members of the Penn State Libraries’ Native American Learning Group) will give a short overview of the project followed by a demonstration of its use. When registering for this event, participants will be asked to submit questions and research needs to guide the exploration.
Who is this for?
Land trust staff and board and others interested in how indigenous history interacts with current land conservation efforts.
Eric Novotny is the subject specialist in the Penn State University Libraries for History, History of science, and Middle East studies. He co-heads the Microforms and Government Information Unit and serves on the Libraries’ Native American Learning Group. When not spoiling his dog, Crim, he spends his time thinking about how to improve access to historical information.
Jane Ingold is Librarian and Archivist at Penn State Erie, the Behrend College. Her responsibilities include providing reference and course-related instruction and she has taught for-credit courses. She has taken sole responsibility for the Behrend Archives since 2005, taking it from a storage room full of boxes and memorabilia to a well-used collection. Before coming to Penn State in 1999, she was a development researcher at her alma mater, Gannon University, also in Erie. Prior to that, she was technical librarian at RMI Titanium Company and head of reference at Ashtabula County District Library in Ashtabula, OH. She is secretary of the Harborcreek Historical Society. Education: Masters, Library and Information Science, University of Texas at Austin; English degree, Gannon University; certified archivist.
Heidi Abbey Moyer has been an academic librarian for over twenty-five years. Since 2006, Ms. Moyer has served as the Archivist, Humanities Reference Librarian, Faculty Liaison to the School of Humanities, and Coordinator of Archives and Special Collections in the Madlyn L. Hanes Library at Penn State Harrisburg, Middletown, PA. In 2013, she earned tenure and was promoted to Associate Librarian. Her research agenda is extremely interdisciplinary and has recently centered around social justice topics—such as DEIBA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Accessibility)—including promotion and tenure for academic archivists, archival advocacy and outreach, Motherhood studies, oral history, wedding history, and woman suffrage in America. Education: B.A., Biology, Art History, Juniata College; M.A., Art History, University of Maryland, College Park; M.L.S., specializing in Archives and Records Management, SUNY-Albany.