The 2019 biennial census report was recently released. Highlights from the report found that between 2010 and 2019, land trusts in Pennsylvania:
- Expanded the lands they have conserved by 35%;
- Conserved 207,000 acres of land (323 sq. mi. – roughly the size of Lehigh County);
- On average, conserved 57 acres every day;
- Increased their acreage protected with perpetual conservation easements by 40%;
- Increased their acreage owned by 51%;
- Increased by 27% the land transferred to governments for parks, game lands, and other public conservation purposes;
- More than 100,000 Pennsylvanians contribute to land trusts;
- Sixty-nine land trusts have a median of 368 contributors
Eighty-four land trusts have completed conservation real estate transactions in Pennsylvania.
The full report can be read here.