Shared by Heritage Conservancy, April 16, 2024.
Heritage Conservancy recently completed the preservation of the George – Little Pond Arts Retreat Property in Moore Township, Northampton County, PA. Heritage Conservancy will serve as the Holder with Moore Township serving as the Co-Holder of a conservation easement that preserves 29.3 acres that is adjacent to a 28.71-acre farm protected through Northampton County’s Farmland Preservation Program.
This property includes a cultural center and meeting place, Little Pond Arts Retreat, that hosts artists, and serves as a venue for the arts, spirituality, and immersion in the natural environment. The land includes extensive wildlife habitat and open space that contribute to the rural character of the area. It is part of the Conservancy’s growing impact in Northampton County.
Preservation of this property ensures the protection of several natural habitats, including tributary headwaters of the East Branch Monocacy Creek (a designated High Quality – Cold Water Fishery stream), important farmland, and important natural features such as Prime Farmland Soils, steep slopes, riparian woodlands, and successional meadows and shrublands.