WeConservePA in partnership with the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources is seeking proposals from organizations (or partnerships) to host the statewide Pennsylvania Greenways and Trails Summit in fall 2027.

The Pennsylvania Greenways and Trails Summit brings together professionals, volunteers, and trail enthusiasts alike for three days of mobile workshops, education sessions, and networking. This biennial event provides trail builders, volunteers, advocates, park and recreation professionals, and motorized/non-motorized trail users with essential information needed to build, manage, and maintain trails throughout the Commonwealth.  The summit draws participation from a variety of professions including private consultants, local and state governments, and industry stakeholders.  Most trail user groups are represented including hikers, bikers, paddlers, off-highway vehicle riders and volunteers.

A key element in the selection of the summit host will be the proven ability to enrich the summit with local assets, including field tour sites as well as varied opportunities for recreation, and to garner enthusiastic support (including financial sponsorship) from other local organizations, stakeholders, and trail users. Direct questions to Emily Gates at [email protected] or (717) 219-4074.

The deadline for submissions is June 13, 2025.
The winning proposal will be selected in summer 2025 and announced at the 2025 Greenways & Trails Summit.

Download Request for Proposals