WalkWorks promotes Active Transportation — i.e. walking, biking, and riding transit to reach everyday destinations for better health — in communities around the state and provides technical assistance and funding to communities for the development of Active Transportation Plans and related policies like Complete Streets or Vision Zero Policies. Municipalities, groups of municipalities, and counties are all eligible applicants for the funding.
The funding is available throughout the commonwealth, with a particular focus on the State Physical Activity and Nutrition priority counties and DEP-designated Environmental Justice areas. This year’s funding opportunity announcement was issued on February 23. It can be downloaded here or on the pawalkworks.com website. The timeline for the grant process includes an informational webinar on April 8, with final applications due May 13. We encourage people to take part in the webinar for this year even if they think their community might not be ready to apply until next year. Webinar registration and/or call-in information is included in the guidelines linked above. For more information, please email [email protected] or call 717-233-4675×114.
PA WalkWorks is a collaboration between the PA Department of Health and the Pennsylvania Downtown Center.