Riverfront North Partnership has announced that they have released their updated Greenway Master Plan for the Riverfront North Greenway. Consisting of a network of trails, open space, parks, restored habitats, and other recreational activities along the Delaware River and adjacent areas, the Riverfront North Greenway is nearly eleven miles long and located in Northeast Philadelphia. Over the past two years, the Riverfront North Partnership has met with stakeholders, neighbors, visitors, and volunteers to put together a vision for the next 15 years of greenway development along the Delaware River waterfront in Northeast Philadelphia.
The updated Master Plan considers four major goals:
- Improve Connectivity between Northeast Philadelphia neighborhoods and the riverfront
- Support Functionality of various land uses and continue a cooperative relationship with businesses along the greenway
- Nurture Environment by restoring land- and water-based natural habitats that are accessible to all
- Enhance Experience along the riverfront by growing stewardship programs, recreational opportunities, and placemaking.
Access a downloadable version of the Master Plan and view a recording reviewing the highlights of the plan here.