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ISO: EAC Member or Municipal Representative to Speak on Process of Ordinance Development and Passage

WeConservePA is in search of an EAC member who can speak to their experience in working as an EAC in partnership with their municipal officials to pass an ordinance.  Preferably the ordinance should be in relation to bird-friendly practices, including but not limited to native plants, night lighting, etc.  If your EAC or municipality has recently gone through the process of working with your municipality to get an ordinance passed and you would be interested in sharing this experience during an upcoming workshop, please reach out to Carol Grayshaw, [email protected].

Initiatives or Ordinances Banning Use of Gas Powered Leaf Blowers

Upper Dublin Township Environmental Protection Advisory Board (EPAB) is seeking more information on successful initiatives or ordinances banning gasoline powered leaf blowers.  If you have information to share, please reach out to Mike Hass, EPAB chair ([email protected])

PeggyM has reacted to this post.

ISO: Information and Experience in Adding Ordinance to Comp Plan (without updating the entire plan)

Whitehall Township's Comprehensive Plan was developed in 2005 and included a recommendation for Open Space Development (OSD), however OSD was never included in an ordinance rendering it unenforceable. The EAC is exploring the option recommending an ordinance including OSD to board of commissioners without updating the entire Comprehensive Plan (which could take years).  They would like to connect with another EAC or municipality who has gone through a similar experience.  If you have experience to share, please reach out to Karen Poshefko, Volunteer, Whitehall Township EAC ([email protected])