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Water quality and Stormwater Management

Please use this topic to ask questions and share resources regarding water quality and stormwater management.

Hi!  Does anyone have resources they can share around stormwater runoff management ordinances and mitigation plans adopted at the borough/township level?  Our EAC is rewriting our M4 (as I'm sure everyone is), and we are interested in looking at ways in which we can go beyond the bare minimum requirements. Any sample ordinances that your municipality used or sample comprehensive plans you've adopted would be welcome. We are trying to avoid reinventing the wheel. Thank you!

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Seeking Low-Cost/Free Source for Rain Barrels (Warminster Township)

Warminster Township is seeking rain barrels for the township to assist with sustainability efforts. Please reach out to Brandon Yett, Projects Coordinator ([email protected]) if you have information to share on potential sources for free or low-cost barrels.  Thank you in advance.

How Rain Gardens Can Reduce Flooding and Water Use Around Your Property

By Lisa Blazure, for Stroud Water Research Center

Have you ever donned rain gear, stood outside your house during a heavy rainstorm, and watched how the water flowed across your property? For most people, the answer is likely not. But doing so can be enlightening if you’re concerned about your local streams and want to learn how your property can reduce local flooding and save on water use.

Most homes use gutters, downspouts, and grading to efficiently transport water away from buildings. In suburban and urban areas, this water is often collected in the stormwater system and eventually discharged into local streams. As a result, small streams can flood more frequently and may be degraded by the flush of pollutants transported in the water...READ FULL ARTICLE.

More information:

  • For rain garden instructions and tips, check out EPA’s “Soak Up the Rain” page.
  • Downspout planters are another way to reduce rainwater runoff. Learn more about them from Penn State Extension.

The Water Center at Penn Statement on Newly Finalized National Primary Drinking Water Regulation for Six PFAS

April 12, 2024

On Wednesday, April 10th, the US EPA finalized the much-anticipated National Primary Drinking Water Regulation Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for six Per- and Polyfluorinated Substances (PFAS) in drinking water. This regulation has been a long time coming and has been promulgated to protect our communities against the adverse impacts of PFAS exposure, including cancers, reproductive complications, diabetes, asthma, and neurobehavioral issues. It has been almost three decades since the EPA last regulated a pollutant of concern, which underscores the importance of their action earlier this week. Water Center Director Howard Neukrug states that “this single regulation will likely significantly impact water rates throughout the US and the growing national and local concern over the affordability of water to many low-income households.” As a technical assistance provider for communities across the United States, the Water Center is keenly aware of the need for community support in this massive undertaking. To better understand the potential impacts of PFAS on communities and water systems across the nation, the Water Center has been conducting research on communication best practices and financial implications of PFAS contamination to assess how public health concerns regarding PFAS/PFOA are conveyed and how accurately these communications are messaged to the public. "Communities and water systems don't have the capacity and budgets to respond to this magnitude of a communications, engineering, and financial challenge - they're going to need funding and other forms of help," said Brianne Callahan, Senior Research Manager at the Water Center. The Water Center is committed to further research and technical assistance in the wake of these significant changes to better promote equity for vulnerable communities and water systems at all scales.