After years of working with the Bloomfield-Garfield Corporation (BGC), the Environmental Charter School (ECS), and previous landowners, the Allegheny Land Trust (ALT) has protected Phase 1 of the Healcrest Green project.
Prior to its protection, the green space served as a farm, a community learning and gathering space, and as an unofficial trail for nearby Garfield residents. The goal for the green space is to open it for public use as a place for passive recreation and enjoyment of nature, community gardening, and an active outdoor classroom for ECS. The protection of this parcel and adjacent acquisitions currently in progress will deliver a host of environmental benefits that will further enhance the neighborhood including improved air and water quality, stormwater absorption, sound buffering, urban cooling, and wildlife habitat protection.
Staff from ALT and BGC, neighbors, and volunteers have been hard at work maintaining, cleaning, and building trails at the green space. Additionally, BGC worked closely on the trails portions of the project with PennTrails LLC, who conducted trail workshops, and who designed and constructed the trail in the garden. The BGC and neighbors threw a debut party to celebrate the conservation success: their local community was invited to the space’s opening on August 12 for backyard games, nature along the trail, and food and drinks from local restaurants.