Photo provided by PA DCNR
This news item adapted from materials distributed by PA DCNR:
Ellen Shultzabarger, Pennsylvania State Forester and Director of DNCR’s Bureau of Forestry, has been elected as treasurer of the National Association of State Foresters’ governing executive committee; helping to mark a historic event for the association — two of the four officers who will lead the association in fiscal year 2023 are women.
Since its start in 1920, the National Association of State Foresters has served as a leading authority on forest management in the United States. Its membership is composed of the directors of forestry agencies in the 50 states, five U.S. territories, three nations in compacts of free association with the U.S., and the District of Columbia.
Through its members, referred to as state foresters, the association advocates for federal legislation and national policies that promote the health, resilience, and productivity of both rural and urban forests.